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Old Tue Dec 04, 2001, 01:15am
bossref bossref is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 127
Thumbs down This may be the record

I am a new member, but I think I've got one that
nobody can top!
Around 1987 NCAA Div 3 Men's game
Menlo at UCSD (UC San Diego)
Rule was one T for anyone involved, including bench personnel .
Unbeknownst to us, the two teams had problems at Menlo.
We had a player score and turn around, running into
an opponent. They squared up, threw punches, and the party was ON!
After doing an accounting of everyone involved,
we had 13 Ts against Menlo and 2 Ts against UCSD.
The UCSD coach had forewarned his players to NOT
get up from the bench if something happened.
Without the clock moving: Rob Rittgers from UCSD
hit 26 freethrows in a row (30 for 30 in the game).
UCSD went from down a bunch (more than 10)to up and Menlo lost its coach.
There's much more to the story.
I (Barry Alman) worked with Manny Gomes.
I believe that several records were broken,
including some of Pete Maravich's.
It's a good thing that they changed that rule!
Barry "the ref" Alman
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