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Old Fri Jan 20, 2006, 03:55pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by BigUmp56
I provided you with the rule. Now you're sounding like a rat. After the play is killed it's up to the judgement of the umpire to place the runners. There's no rule defining judgement.

There is no rule defining judgement, but your judgement sucks.

Here is what is happened:

F2 laying face down.
No one else near plate.
R2 rounding third base.

How is R2 not going to score? Who is going to tag him out?

Also...You are the rat like one, you called time to protect a player, who may or may not have been in jeapordy.
It sounds to me like F2 is blocking the plate while not in posession of the ball (or about to recieve a throw) -- I'd rule obstruction and award the run.

Now, change the play so R2 rounds third just as the F3 fields the throw from the outfield. F2 and F3 converge on the plate and the injured F2. Here, I'd be more likely to kill the play and return R2 to third.

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