Thu Jan 19, 2006, 11:07pm
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Re: Re: re: .3 seconds, cont'd.
Originally posted by Whistles & Stripes
Originally posted by HawkeyeCubP
I was hoping someone could provide some quoted rule or case book material that clarifies the correctness of awarding no points on the ".3 seconds remaining-ball passed inbounds-tipped by B1 prior to the horn sounding" situation. I'm still unconvinced of the correctness of this ruling, and am still inclined to award 2 points to A. All I can come up with is the following:
2005-06 NFHS Rule 5.1.1 "A goal is made when a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through."
NFHS 2004-05 Case 5.2.1-D "...A1 makes a throw-in from out of bounds...The throw-in pass is deflected at A's free throw line by B1 and then goes directly through A's basket. Ruling: Score two points for Team A. The throw-in ended when the ball was touched by an inbounds player and the live ball subsequently passed through the basket. The fact that it was not a try or tap for goal does not affect the scoring of two points."
So I gather that the consensus here is that the ball is dead, despite being last touched legally by a player with inbounds status before the horn sounded. I would just like to read something that clarifies that. - I did read the other listed thread http://www.officialforum.com/thread/24210, but it didn't do the trick for me.
The majority of what was discussed was that, since there was a defensive tip, that the ball was dead on the horn. But would we wave off a successful try that continues through the basket that was partially blocked just after its release by the shooter? ( - Try and contact prior to the horn sounding) Or, more relevant than that, would we wave off an "alley-oop" PASS (clearly a pass - released "chest pass" style by the passer) that is deflected by a B1, who is fronting A1, who the ball is intended for - both of whom are within TWO feet of the basket as they jump, followed by the ball entering the basket as before (all contact prior to the horn sounding)?
The only thing I can find that somewhat pertains to this is:
NFHS 2004-05 Case 6.7.6-A "A1 passes the ball to A2. However, A2 is not looking. The ball strikes A2 on the back of the head, and then goes directly above the basket of Team A...time expires and subsequently [the ball] enters the basket. Ruling: No goal. The ball rebounding from A2's head is not considered a try or a tap. A tap is made with the hand(s)....In this situation, the ball became dead immediately when time expired."
In the discussed instance, however, the ball WAS touched by a hand.
I guess what I'm looking for is rule or case material stating that a defensive deflection of anything other than a try or tap for goal would cause the ball to become dead if time subsequently expires.
You're looking for the wrong thing. it is'nt the deflection that causes the ball to become dead. It is the horn that makes the ball become dead. I don't have my rulebook with me, but basically, as soon as the horn sounds, the ball is dead where it is, UNLESS IT IS IN THE AIR FOR A TAP OR TRY, in which case it does not become dead until such time as the goal is scored or misses.
How could that be? The horn does not cause the to become dead just because it sounded. The ending of the action does.