Originally posted by Texas Aggie
Loose or "out of his hands" does not necessarily equal "clearly in flight." What if the ball goes in a downward motion rather than up? In addition, the "act of shooting" definition includes the airborne shooter. The AS, by definition (4.1.1-2), is a player who has released the ball on a try...and has not returned to the floor AND is considered to be in the act of shooting. Thus, one could argue that as long as he's in the air, he can touch the ball an indefinite number of times and is still in the act of shooting.
There's nothing I stated that was even remotely contridictory.
Then it is a try that is clearly not going in, and thus a dead ball.
You are mixing completely irrelevant rules trying to apply it to this situation. The airborne shooter is not in the rules for continuous motion nor what constitutes a try, it is only for contact on or by A1
AFTER a try has been released.
I'd call that a
MAJOR contradiction.