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Old Fri Jan 13, 2006, 10:26am
lmeadski lmeadski is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Michigan
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Having coached

for a number of years, I have a feel for what coaches are looking for when they complain. Sometimes, the complaint is legit. "#23 is holding ref." Other times, the complaints are hollow, especially if the team is losing, or, the coach feels other calls aren't going his way (the whistle is only working one way). A simple acknowledgment, "I'll keep an eye coach," is usually all that is needed. Don't say it with tone, don't role your eyes. Just tell them you will watch, and then, without distracting yourself from the other action, keep an eye. In reality, does a coach's negative input or complaining about the calls INTIMIDATE us at all? It shouldn't. If we are calling the best game we can (honest & fair), we can do no more. Play on!
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