Thu Jan 12, 2006, 01:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 259
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
You go back to saying that as long as its in the backcourt it's okay by you but in the front court it's an automatic "tweet." What if it were a Travelling violatioin?? Ball gets inbounded dribble shuffles his/her feet everytime. Then what?? Is this again a no call b/c it's in backcourt??
First, I hope that you don't feel that I'm trying to "big time" you. These are my feelings and things that I've been told at camps. I work a small D3 schedule, along with my usual HS schedule, so I'm not a big-time ref, by any stretch of the imagination. And I am in NO WAY trying to make myself sound smarter or more important than anybody else. Just sharing my thoughts.
Second, even in the frontcourt, palming is not an automatic to me. If it's palming on the way to the basket, or to get by his defender, then it has to be called, b/c it gave the dribbler a significant advantage. This is an NCAA POE this season, and I think I'm explaining it pretty much the same way it was explained on the pre-season NCAA video.
Third, if it's a traveling violation, I can't give you a hard-and-fast answer. If there's no pressure, I can't see why he would travel. If it's a slight drag of the pivot foot, it's probably not going to get a whistle. If he takes 3 steps before starting his dribble, then that will get a whistle. Traveling is a bigger deal than palming. So I would be more likely to call a minor travel than a minor palming violation.
Another example, A1, while attempting to inbound the ball in the backcourt, steps in bounds before the release of the ball. It's a violation, but b/c it's in the backcourt you aren't going to call it?? Just food for thought.
This is one where I'm pretty sure we've been told (at the NCAA level) that it cannot be ignored. There was an NCAA tourney game a few years ago -- a women's game, I think -- where this happened and the covering official thought it was not a big deal and had no whistle. The opposing coach saw it, the TV cameras saw it, everybody saw it, and there was a big broo-ha-ha. After that, we were told that any line violation is a "big deal". I don't know where that bulletin is or exactly when it was issued. Maybe Mark D or Bob J can remember.
Finally, Dan said he would beat me up if I didn't tell you that he really is a joy to work with. So don't be too hard on him. He's a nice guy. Well, no he's not. But he's stronger than I am. In all seriousness, Dan and I have showered together and I'm still in therapy after that.
D3 is definetly bigger time than me. No I dont feel like you are pushing that your better or bigger, I am just saying you probably are.
Again I'm not sure how or why we as officials try to determine the importance of a violation. A violation/foul is just that. I call it if I see it.
I'm sure Dan is a great guy, as are most of the guys who post here. Something about the comment this morning just didnt sit right with me. Probably me being a JACK@rse.