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Old Thu Jan 12, 2006, 09:09am
Nate1224hoops Nate1224hoops is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 259
Originally posted by Dan_ref

I don't care if a coach quietly asks me to watch a player.

If I think he's full of crap I'll just smile, tell him sure thing, thanks.

If it's something I've been letting go I'll tell him everyone's doing it (that's why I've been letting it go of course).
It sure must be a pleasure to work with you. Explain this to me though your comment, "If it's something I've been letting go I'll tell him everyone's doing it (that's why I've been letting it go of course)." What exactly would you as a self proclaimed enforcer of the rules "LET GO".

IMO if a coach says "watch #34 she is holding" then I am not going to make #34 my focus, but I will keep an eye open to see exactly whats going on. If he/she continues to ask for holding, then reply with I see the game and i see no infractions, when I do I'll blow the whistle. Do we ever miss calls??? How many times have you been waiting for your Varsity game to start, and while watching the JV game thought to yourself, "how can these guys not see that HE/SHE is (fill in the blank)." Point being that if a coach is pointing something out, he/she could be FOS and trying to throw you off your game, however he/she could have a legitimate case that might need to be addressed.

Sounds as though some of us maybe a little insecure. We miss things all the time. We are human, to error is common.
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