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Old Sun Jan 08, 2006, 06:16pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Re: numbers

Originally posted by ronny mulkey

I am curious - how many offball calls do you make a game? I'm not just curious because it is you or this post. I am just curious as to the number of offball calls made by all officials per game.

Doesn't the NBA or somebody track these kinds of numbers? I have heard that it is a very low number. If the number is low and it is not because of mechanics that the NBA is already stressing, then you might look for mechanics to change in the future about offball calls. That might lead to a less restrictive philosophy on going to help on calls made on the ball. I betcha the numbers made, and missed, of calls on the ball far outweigh all other calls.

It just seems to me that the NBA is a forward thinking trend setter when it comes to training their officials. They are years ahead of college and high school, but a lot of their research ends up trickling down to the high school level.

Just my opinion.

Like the traveling rule, this is a difference that should be noted about the NBA. They don't call off-ball as much as college and high school. This, IMO, is where entertainment comes in; people don't want to pay big money to have people commit a bunch of off-ball calls. I have been told, at a camp, that this is one reason why the primary areas of coverage can be different in the NBA; it doesn't matter if they are looking out at the 3-point line because if someone is banging in the post it more than likely will NOT be called.

The number of off-ball calls I call during a game is dependant on the players, BUT the best way to be accurate is to watch my primary so I will not call the second foul.
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