Originally posted by BoomerSooner
As it relates to R. Bush it could be argued that the hit caused the ball to come out (even if he did intend to lateral it regardless of direction). There was at least 1 Texas player making a play on Bush, and if memory serves another was joining in on the hit. Also it must be considered whether or not the hit caused the ball to go forward.
Well, in the NFHS rules any pass that goes toward an opponents goal line in a forward pass, no matter how the passer threw it.
I have the R. Bush play on DVD. I have watched angle and froze it. The pitch Reggie made was backwards without a doubt in my mind. It went backwards falling to the ground almost a whole yard back from were it was thrown from. I think the confusing part is that everybody is moving forward quickly giving the effect that it looked forward. If the pass was thrown forward #84 would have caught the ball and probably scored on the play.