Let's take it to an extreme to make it easier to visualize. Manute Bol is sliding head first into home covered by Spud Webb. Spud tags him on the lead hand and stands up. Manute's left foot strikes the ball on the way past and dislodges it.
Clearly an out as Spud had control when making the tag.
The same would apply to the original question. The problem we have is that since loss of control occured so quickly in relation to the tag the tag itself is doubted. If she really had control how did she lose it so easily so the judgement of the blue comes into play, did she really have control or not? As originally worded she did but then the blue complicates things because deep down he questions if she did in fact have control.
Never guess an out but if you're sure the ball was dislodged after the tag you got one.