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Old Mon Jan 02, 2006, 06:09pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Really wish I had insisted on putting something down for a box before my last game. Freshmen boys - figured I could just wing it.

Well, home coach thinks he's entitled to use the ENTIRE bench (chairs stretching from the endline up to the scorer's table), I look over and realize he's standing, basically even with the lower block of the FT lane. I motion him back and tell him he can't be down that far.

Few plays later, I notice him there again - give him another point back to where the coaching box should be.

Ball goes OOB, home team gets the throw in their backcourt (1st half still), and the coach wanted to talk to one of his players. Instead of having the player come to the edge of the court, he comes on to the court. I go over, give him the stop sign, and tell him that he cannot come onto the court. I then pointed out his last player on the bench and told him he could go that far (even though it was probably too big of a box) and that this was his last warning.

Of course, later in the game, he's way down at the end of the bench, so I assessed the technical. Only problem - I reported it for "being out of the coaching box" only to get everyone giving me the look of "What the bruce are you talking about? There isn't a coaching box."
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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