When I first started in the late '80s, the (CCA, I think) mechanic was to not "sweep" it or count it at the point as the lead. The reason was that the trail may have basket interference or goaltending. So, when you were going to report the foul, the trial would move to your position and say, "the basket went in." That then would give you, the lead, the option of counting it at that point if you had it as a shooting foul.
About 2 or 3 years later, they changed it. I'm not sure whether the change was due to the infrequency of BI/GT calls or they wanted the trail to keep focused on the players -- or both. I don't know whether selling the call was part of the change. Sounds reasonable, but in any event, you, as the trail, need to be prepared to tell your partner that the basket went in in case he didn't see it.