Originally posted by Rachel
This is what has worked for me and I have developed over 15 years of calling softball. I will post a photo of what I mean by seeing from the slot on the frapper site.
Before I asked what the frapper site was I tried to figure it out on my own. The best I could do on Google was:
Slo-Pitch National Member's Only Forum - Bat - [ Translate this page ]est-ce qu'il y en a qui ont entendu parler du DA BOMB de Combat softball il ce ... Moi je vais frapper avec un bon vieux worth bleu. pis pour le pool,
Now, I'm not conversant in French, but I am curious. Does frapper have anything to do with combat softall? What kind of protective equipment do French umpires wear to protect against bombs? And I thought the French were a bunch of passive sissies! Piss poor the pool refers to coaches, right?