I did have a situation two years ago where I was PU for a big game in our state's biggest invitational where there was a hgih fly ball to left field, runner on third, and I was positioned perfectly to actually see the ball being caught AND whether the runner left early...which he didn't.
It was a close play at home, but the runner clearly came in safe, so I called it justly. The coaches then proceeded to argue that the runner left early. I calmly explained to (the head coach) that I not only had position, but I had the call and bottom line, "he's safe". He did not accept this and kept on from the bench about how we weren't doing our job, and after a warning, I removed him from the game.
An inning later, I saw my partner talking with the assistant coach. Later I casually asked him what that conversation was about, and he said "oh, I just told him not to let that incident get to him, and to explain to the coach that you're just a couple years new at this." OH! How I could've ripped his head off!
After the game, I spoke to the assignor (who was watching the game with two other highly notable officials) and the first thing he said when he saw me coming was "Mike, you did the right thing". Then I told him what my partner said and to whom, and HE made the decision to disallow us to work together again...for my benefit.
Anyway, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.