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Old Fri Dec 16, 2005, 12:29am
assignmentmaker assignmentmaker is offline
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One wishes one could ask . . .

Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
I disagree completely. It's not a "T" until the player actually comes on the court. And then, it's a player "T", not a team "T". See case book play 10.3.3SitB- "RULING: A technical foul is charged to A5 for returning during playing action even though A5 had not been replaced.

JR -- That play deals with a substition error (A5 left in the mistaken belief that a sub had replaced A5).

The play in this thread deals with a TO. It *might* be a different situation.

iirc (I don't have the books handy), there's a play where B is not ready to play after the TO. The officials use the resumption-of-play procedure and give A the ball. Then, 4 B players return to the court. The 5th either stays on the bench or comes in later (I forget). In this situation, it's an immediate T -- once the team returns, all must return at approximately the same time.

One could ask whether the NFHS intends for the two situations to be treated differently.
but one guesses they just aren't being paid enough to make themselves readily, sensibly available. Yuh think it has to do with 'no competition'?
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient.
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