You have to read the entire thing.
In the 2002-2003 Rulebook says at the bottom of Letter A. Hand checking, "Principles involved in incidental contact (Rule 4-27) apply!"
In the 2003-2004 Rulebook there is a POE with hand checking. Under Letter A, #1 it says, "Any tactic using the hands, arms or body that allows a player on offense or defense to "control" (hold, impede, push, divert, slow, or prevent) the movement of an opposing player is a foul."
Then #4 says under says, "Any act or tactic of illegal use of hands, arms or body (offense or defense) that intentionally slows, prevents, impedes the progress or displaces an opposing player due to the contact, is a foul and must be called."
So it seems that in at least two rulebooks the NF was going out of their way to make it clear that a simple touch was not a foul. Hand checking is not defined as touching.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)