Thread: Hand Checking
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Old Thu Dec 15, 2005, 01:25am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by johnny1784
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Stat-Man
ICBW, but I think there was an interpretation a few years back that said any touching of an opponent with a hand was supposed to be called as a foul.
You're absolutely right -- you really could be wrong.

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
The POEs said that putting a hand on the dribbler was a foul.
I'm not even sure that's right, JR. I think the POE said that placing a hand on the dribbler and leaving it there was a foul. Or repeatedly "measuring up". I don't think merely touching the dribbler was mentioned as an automatic foul.
You are correct.

Can either of you tell me in what year's NFHS POEs I might find those statements? I can find the following in POEs going back to the 2000-01 rule book, but I can't seem to find anything anywhere remotely resembling your assertations above.

2001-02 NFHS Rule Book- POE 4A- verbatim- "Defenders are not permitted to have hands on the DRIBBLER".

2002-03 NFHS Rule Book- POE 4A- verbatim- "Defenders are not permitted to have hands on the DRIBBLER".

2003-03 NFHS Rule Book- POE2A5- verbatim- "Regardless where it takes place on the floor, when a player CONTINUOUSLY places a hand on the OPPOSING PLAYER, it is a foul.".

I await elucidation.

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