Originally posted by ozzy6900
Originally posted by PeteBooth
I realize it's pre-season but this past Saturday, Tom Seaver (a Met Color Commentator) was very vehement in his comments about the new Cream Color Shirts worn by the PRO umpires. He stated that this is very distracting to F1 and if he were pitching today he wouldn't like it.
I can see it now, hey Blue, please remove your shirt as it is distracting.
Your thoughts as always
Pete Booth
Yeah, the PU's shirt is about as distracting to F1 as F1's white sleeve is to B1. If you are focusing on what you should be, none of this comes into play.
Hey how about fluorescent green shirts with battery powered LED's on the back stating what position you are working!
To paraphrase Tee: Stick to umpiring.
A white ball coming out of a white shirt background is very difficlut to see.
Fielders have problems with white backgrounds - most often F3 on throws, but sometimes the other infielders on line drives.
From the pitcher's perspective, if you want to stand 52 feet or so from a batter who might hit a screaming line drive right at you - and it's coming out of a white background - go right ahead. See how much fun it is.
Hitters have problems too, that's why there are batter's eyes.
As for the "old timers" in white shirts, they also wore dark plate coats and most often a "raft" protector that covered up the white.
There's a ML catcher that wears a gray chest protector. When the CF camera is showing the pitch, please note that the ball is somewhat more difficult to see as it moves into that background.
And lastly, do you really think a pitcher with any lick of sense is going to tell the umpire that he's a distraction?