Standard of Living??
Random thoughts here.
What does the standard of living have to do with officiating fees? Just curious. It seems to me that it is the same game, played by the same types of people. We can all order the same equipment from the same suppliers. And we all work primary jobs to meet the needs of our families. Why should the standard of living be a concern for what fees we get to officiate a football game?
With that said, at $94.00 a game for a 4-man crew, the school pays $386.00 for the crew. You could go to a 5-man crew at $77.00 a game, still make a good nights pay, and provide a much better officiated game (in my opinion) for the students.
Please understand, I am not mad at anybody. The concepts presented in the last couple of posts are foreign to me here in Georgia, and this is the only place that I have worked H.S. football. I wish I could get $94.00 a game. But, I wouldn't want to do 4-man mechanics for a varsity football game to do it.
Emmett Wayne
Member, Hinesville Official Association