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Old Thu Dec 08, 2005, 12:02pm
smoref smoref is offline
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Location: Everett, WA
Posts: 121
Originally posted by rockyroad
Chuck, it was in a bulletinn about 2 years ago (I think, the years are kinda starting to run together)...the gist of it was that you don't stop play until Team A is no longer attempting to the rebounding/tip activity is allowed to continue...

Had a play just like this last Friday...B2 drives in, lands awkwardly (but not fouled) and goes down in key as A5 rebounds and outlets - off to the races. A1 shoots, misses, A4 grabs rebound and passes it out to point guard at top of key - whistle, stop play, let coach attend injured player, and then gave ball back to A for throw-in...
Rocky, This was a topic a few weeks ago because it happend on a Friday game and a Saturday game in the same week that was being observed. A1 goes down and then a fast break the other way, team "B" missed first shot an then got the rebound and immediately went back up for the shot. Both crews were told they should have blown the whistle when the rebound was secured. They "R" on one of the games was going to e-mail her 10-9-8a. I dont know if he ever did or what the outcome was though.
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