Originally posted by JCrow
Dear Rookie Dude,
I happen to be a "Janitor"! I'm offended by your narrow-minded comment implying that a "Janitor" is inferior to someone else that may work at the school.
I'm required to be able to operate and repair complicated floor cleaning equipment. I'm very well trained on chemicals used in our industry and maintain my company's library of MSDS Sheets. I can rig and operate very sophisticated window cleaning scaffolding and I am trusted with the safety of my crews on high-rise work.
What is it that you do for work that is so outstanding? Dude? It can't involve "listening" as you are obviously unable to understand the words "Time Out".
An Offended Janitor

Funny JCrow...that wasn't you operating that window cleaning scaffolding that fell the other day...was it?
In regards to not letting the coach hang around for the 8th grade game...I felt it may have induced an unsporting atmosphere for that game. Case closed. It had nothing to do with any suspensions...that comes from the school and/or the WIAA, not me. BTW, my assignor backed me 100% and said he would have done the same thing.
[Edited by RookieDude on Dec 8th, 2005 at 11:32 AM]