I have a thought on the memo saying that if you get an all-crowd boo then you probably got the call wrong. One possibility is that the memo was talking about OOB calls, rather than judgment calls. We all know that nobody likes a foul called against their team. But if the ball goes out and you call "blue" and everyone in that section goes, "WHAT?!?!?" you may have missed something.
I've heard that "expanation" as well. In fact, in pre-game one night, my partner said, "If I call an OOB and the whole crowd goes nuts, just come to me. Even if you didn't see anything, just run over to me, and I'll change it."
I don't say this in my pre-game, personally. Just throwing out one possible interpretation of that memo.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!