Wed Dec 07, 2005, 01:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Beaver, PA
Posts: 481
Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Originally posted by ColdShot
If the assistant does *not* leave the bench, asks for a call,
but does not scream, what is an appropriate response?
I agree with a lot of what has been said already. It depends on how far off the bench the AC was and what his tone is/was? If he was showing an official up then T him immediately; however, dont be too quick to hit the TWEETER and hand out a T. I never speak to AC just to HC's. If you give the HC and stern stiff warning such as: "you are the only one allowed up off the bench and your AC needs to have a seat and stop yelling...if not its gonna cost you your box." I know this will work. I just recently, this year, started coaching and hung the wistle up for a few years. In our game last night, I was all over the place, coaching from tip to final horn. I was never yelling at an official or even asking for a call, just coaching my players. I was outta the box more than in, but I was coaching. I think officials will grant you this as long as your not at mid court screaming at them....coaching is one thing and lobbying for calls is another.
The reason I say this is because I value my priviledge as a coach to walk the sideline and COACH. Most coaches do. So if you, as an official, issue a stern warning to a HC about his AC, then most of the time the HC will take care of the situation.
In PA you would be given one warning to stay in the box. The regional evaluators are tying enforcement of the coaches box to playoff opportunities. Around here, at least thus far this season, the box is getting special emphasis.
I only wanna know ...