A1 is fouled and is awarded two free throws. Team A calls a time-out. Following the time-out, Team A refuses to leave their huddle.
The administering official sounds his/her whistle and places the ball on the floor at the line and starts the 10 second count.
Is this thought correct??? Players from the Team A may return from their delayed huddle within the 10 second count and still occupy marked lane spaces designated for Team A and/or any unoccupied lane spaces up to the point that the shooter touches the ball or the 10 seconds expires.
If, however, the shooter is the first one back and picks up the ball, then it's possible that none of the other Team A players would be able to line up for that free throw without penalty of a lane violation.
Chuck Lewis
Ronan, MT
Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he could be gone every weekend.