Thread: Too young?
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Old Tue Dec 06, 2005, 07:14am
grantsrc grantsrc is offline
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I grew up in Roseville and started officiating at 16. Started doing baseball and then at 19 began working football. So no, you're not to young.
As for how things work up there, I'm not quite sure. I worked for an officials association, Metro Officials, and they were mainly a baseball and softball association. They did work football and basketball, but mainly underclass stuff. I'm not sure how much varsity football they get. Give them a try it you like. Send me an email or private message and I can give you his number. I know there are other associations that work more football, Gopher did from what I remember. Call a local HS and ask for their activities director. Ask them where they hire their football officials from. Call a few. That way you can get a good idea if there is one association that might be better than another.

Now, as far as learning about officiating, you came the right spot. I just completed my 9th year, and honestly, my rules knowledge and mechanics knowledge prior to this year sucked. I've learned so much in just the last few months here it is amazing. Plus it is a great way to bounce plays off other people, get to know other officials, and congratulate each other's successes. It's kind of like the post-game stop at the bar, without the beer or pop.

Last, check out my resource page. There are many great files there to help you get started. Some are a little outdated and may not help you directly, but it will give you a decent idea as to what is going on. If you take some time between now and next fall, you will be way ahead of any other rookie officials.

Good luck and welcome to the group!
Check out my football officials resource page at
If you have a file you would like me to add, email me and I will get it posted.
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