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Old Mon Jan 24, 2000, 09:40am
Todd VandenAkker Todd VandenAkker is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 378

Just another note agreeing with my colleagues. I don't know what level you play at, but recognize that refs have varying degrees of experience just like players do. Even so,every referee I know wants to do his/her best and "get it right." Most know when they've had an "off" night and feel badly, just like a player who's had a bad game. And to most of us, basketball is just as important as you feel it is to you--we want to be perceived as good officials by our peers, and we spend hours studying and trying to improve ourselves. So, time to stop passing out all that blame and feeling sorry for yourself, and time to accept the imperfect nature of humans--whether they are basketball players or referees.
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