"I repeat, nothing better has been posted on the board lately."
Steve somewhere you have become "the defender of all."
That's too bad.
You come to this site late . . . other people here have much more believability by simply their number of posts, YET, you seem to want to "change" the board to fit your opinion.
People that disagree with you always get comments (kinda like the way I react) from you. Then you argue and argue.
The article Tim posted (across all sites of internet umpires) was a total waste. There are hundreds of articles dealing with patricide and such. The article did not do anthing for the advancement of umpiring. Nothing.
Tim has attempted to take this site where his comfort lies . . . he is a Little League umpire and wants this to be yet another Little League site. Not only that he opened his own site (great reactions from Gary Mcgriff taking BigUmp to the woodshed) so why can't he keep his stuff there.
And you fit his needs.
You claim 3,000 games (how many of those are actually "unpaid baby sitting" i.e. Little League) but you post like a guy that works 10 year olds.
All I ask, rather than continue to criticize, is recognize that guys like WCB and yrs trly just feel that the best way to any answer is a straight line and we do not care if we hurt someones feelings.
This site would be much better if a few people left to never return. (I know, I know . . . you can think of two guys right now.)
HOWEVER, it is a free site and anyone can post whatever they want -- they just better be ready to accept what happens AFTER that post.
Quite crying in your beer and step to the plate.