Originally posted by rgaudreau
I know I kicked the call. I realised it afterwards.
Realizing that you made the mistake is half the battle. Now you'll know what to do next time. It's the guys who are oblivious when they screw up that we worry about.
I do some college ball. Not a lot, but enough to keep me happy (for now). And during our preseason scrimmages, the more senior officials always ask me "Is there a call you'd like to have back?" It makes me think about what I've been calling. It also makes me more aware of whether I'm on the same page as my partners.
So don't get discouraged about blowing one. There will be others.

Just learn from it, which I think you've done! Keep it up and good luck with your season.
And, by the way, there is usually at least one that I'd like to have back.