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Old Mon Jan 24, 2000, 02:12am
Bradley Batt Bradley Batt is offline
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 171
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To you, a game is you go out blow your
whistle at times and go home. To us, the players, basketball games are what we look
forward to.

You couldn't be more wrong about this... Most of us look forward to every game, prepare for it physically and mentally, and try our hardest every single game.

As a player, coach, or fan it is impossible to be unbiased. Even when reviewing on videotape. Most non-referees do not even know the most basic of rules (3 seconds, backcourt, etc.). Putting all that aside, it is very possible and even likely that the officials in your game missed some calls. As has been stated, you have no option other than to play on.

As far as officials not affecting the outcome of games, I will have to disagree. We can affect the outcome of games. If we didn't there wouldn't be NCAA and Professional officials getting fined, suspended, etc. for a problem in a game (usually administrative). Weird things can happen that cause us administrative problems that have an affect on the game. We need to acknowledge this and be prepared for it.

My (unsolicited) advice to you on the whole ordeal would be to put it behind you and go out and work even harder the next time. Good advice for use in general life, too!
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