Thread: Did Carl know?
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Old Tue Nov 29, 2005, 09:08pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Dan_ref
I learned something new by reading this thread

Whatever content filters you guys use allows prick, but does not allow ****, *******, *** or *****.


That's because, as George Carlin says, those are "two-way" words. Example:

You can prick your finger, but you can't finger....
Thanks for the clarification.

Now I'll teach you something: if your friend Dotson Lewis truly has a black belt in a martial art he would sooner die than use it to defend himself in a verbal sparring match about baseball rules.
I understand: karate is a defensive martial art. But Dotson is also a hot-tempered little p....
Maybe he's a little prick because he's compensating for his little prick?

Anyways, the adults that attain a black belt generally lose whatever inadequacies they bring to the game, along with the major symptom of hot-headedness.

Not always though. The remainders are called *** holes.

edit to say:

But I doubt he's truly an *** hole. You're merely painting him that way, imo. Wonder why that is?
Oh, I see. I didn't catch your tone. Stupid of me.

You wrote: "You're merely painting him that way, imo. Wonder why that is?"

Since you don't know him and had probably never heard of him, imo, wonder why that's any of your business.

Maybe it's not any of my business.

Just curious that you would use this other person's standing as a retired Army officer & holder of a black belt to imply a physical threat to a fellow poster. On the other hand I do read what you post here and you represent this e'zine as maybe I'm entitled to my idle curiosity.

In any event I still don't believe a retired Army officer and holder of a black belt would be a certified *** hole, call me naive. But as you's none of my business.

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