Thread: Did Carl know?
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Old Tue Nov 29, 2005, 08:31pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Dan_ref
I learned something new by reading this thread

Whatever content filters you guys use allows prick, but does not allow ****, *******, *** or *****.


That's because, as George Carlin says, those are "two-way" words. Example:

You can prick your finger, but you can't finger....
Thanks for the clarification.

Now I'll teach you something: if your friend Dotson Lewis truly has a black belt in a martial art he would sooner die than use it to defend himself in a verbal sparring match about baseball rules.
I understand: karate is a defensive martial art. But Dotson is also a hot-tempered little p....
Maybe he's a little prick because he's compensating for his little prick?

Anyways, the adults that attain a black belt generally lose whatever inadequacies they bring to the game, along with the major symptom of hot-headedness.

Not always though. The remainders are called *** holes.

edit to say:

But I doubt he's truly an *** hole. You're merely painting him that way, imo. Wonder why that is?
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