Originally posted by BT_Blue
Originally posted by BigUmp56
Were you at that week at CDP? If so, what bunk? I was in 32B. I saw the umpire in question work behind the plate and it was something to behold! He was a really good umpire. Good zone, great confidence, etc.
It was a joy to watch him work and by the way, he looked damn good out there too! Doing something most of us would just give up on, he was out there busting his *** and honestly, better dressed and looking more like an umpire than some umpires with all their mobility.
Sadly, I dont remember the gentleman's name but he will always have a special place in my umpiring life.
God bless him and all of his family.
No, BT I wasn't there. The subject came up earlier this year on two other forums. This thread just reminded me of it.
It's nice to hear the skinny straight from the horses mouth though. I'm glad to hear you felt he was a competent official in spite of his limitations.