Mon Nov 21, 2005, 05:40am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: South Bend, In.
Posts: 2,192
Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Were these your words? Let's not pretend they aren't, BigUmp56.
"No rookie umpire, or experienced umpire should have to worry about being able to quote rules to a manager. He shouldn't be on the diamond without an experienced partner. That's one of the reasons we allow conferences, so that we can put at least one more head into the mix to sort things out, away from the manager."
I'm glad you don't consider that offensive. It's just your opinion, right? "He shouldn't be on the diamond without an inexperienced partner."
Here you go again twisting my words to suit yourself. You've even gone so far now as to write what I said originally in quotation marks. The original statement I made was about rookie umpires. If you can read, you'll see the word rookie in the quote. If you had any intelligence you would know that the next line you quoted started with the word "he." That would mean the rookie you dolt. And, no a rookie should not be out there alone.
No, that's not offensive to thousands of umpires! Experienced umpires quote rules all of the time, they don't just call it and walk away. Most experienced umpires respect the game and tolerate the coaches. If you can't explain your call respectfully to a coach you are in worse shape than I imagined.
Now were no longer discussing rookies working solo. I don't feel it's our responsibility to quote rules. I can just hear you now WWTB as you explain a call. "Well coach as you know per rule 11.09 blah, blah, blah. Your runner can't yada, yada, yada... Since he did, the penalty phase of yakity yak applies." That's absurd to most officials I know. You just tell them what you saw and move on. There's no need to give a lesson on rules to a manager every time they challenge a call. There's a difference between respecting and tolerating a manager as opposed to kissing his backside. If you are trying to imagine what kind of shape I'm in. Maybe you can come to South Bend and work a few games with me. You'll soon find out what kind of shape I'm in if you do.
But, wait�there�s more!
The coup de grace is that you edited your post to remove the hate filled rhetoric and omit the part that derided groups for not having the jewels to demand two umpires. No one claims that working a game by himself is fun, easy or desirable. Your arrogance is disturbing. Back it up with a more than a few years of big diamond work then I�ll listen.
1) I've never writtin anything hate filled. These are my own opinions based on my personal experiences with no hate or ill will involved. Just opinions. The definiton of rhetoric, is the ability to use our language skillfully, so I'll take that as a compliment.
2) The word "jewels" in this context is a metaphor for courage or intestinal fortitude. It in now way shows hatred of any kind. You have a knack for taking things out of context though, so I'll consider the source and move on.
3) What are you talking about? I've edited a few posts for gramattical errors, and in one post I decided to play nice and edit the post to include your new screen name. I never derided a group and you know that, but now you're just trying to be cute. The post that a couple of guys took offense to was the post where I said their associations needed the jewels to effect change. It's still there.
4)I have more than a few years on the 90' diamond, but unlike you, I don't flaunt my resume like a trophy for all to see.
5)I think it was Garth that described the irony in one of Pete's post's wasn't it? You, the king of arrogance calling me arrogant is unadulterated irony!
I don�t edit my posts for spelling or grammar mistakes.
Well, that's become obvious enough from some of your recent post's.
I try not to ridicule others for making typos unless they do it themselves.
You might try WWTB, but like an addict, you can't help yourself. You always fall back on this tactic when you're defeated.
If I make a mistake, I don�t try to hide it.
Sure you do WWTB, you just use another alias or two on other boards to hide behind.
I noted the number of edited posts you and SDS make. You'll never get a Gold Glove with all of those errors.
I'm not writing a thesis for my doctorate.
You are developing a penchant for being a disruptor.
Only to you and some of your followers. I've been posting here without a problem for several months now. The only real heated discussions I've had are with you.[/B]
Twisting the facts on multiple internet sites seems to be your dream. I can't imagine why.
What facts have I twisted WWTB? Just like you were unable to sucessfully respond to my challenge about the boards policies, you cannot substatiate this claim. If you think you can, I give you my permission to paste any post of mine from a site requiring registration here for all to read. The only dream I have that you need to be concerned about, is that the day will come very soon when you'll get out of line again with someone, and they'll once again put some shoe leather on your backside and send you packin!