Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
I answered the questions honestly. Did you reciprocate?
Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
In reference to your play, I would probably call the Verbal Obstruction, since it is specifically mentioned in the book. I say probably, because few things are absolute in this life.
Is that a "b"?
If a pitch enters the strike zone, will you "probably" call a strike?
If the throw beats the runner at first and the first baseman in control of the ball tags the base and throws to the second baseman, will you "probably" call an out?
If the pitcher does not come to a complete and discernible stop in the set position, will you "probably" call a balk?
Aren't "things" on the baseball diamond certain? We're not talking whether the defendant in a civil suit is 40% liable for his injuries, so he collects 60%. We're talking ball or strike, safe or out, balk or not.
No, I didn't answer your questions. I don't need to since my views are known all around the world.
But give me five (a) or (b) questions
without a novel, and I'll give you a string of letters.
I'm a realist, a black and white umpire. Leaving aside blow-out games, when I meet an infraction, I
flag it or ignore it.
And the issues I ignore are well known and have been for over 30 years.
I don't ever say I would "probably" or "likely" or "usually" call it. Such a philosophy is certain to indicate an indecisive man. I'd hate to have you umpiring my team because I could never depend on whether this was the game when you would "probably" call something.
Your insistence on being a troll has backed you into a corner from which the only escape is (probably) honesty.
With or without a decade-old news letter.