Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
2) I'd just rather not call the verbal obstruction in the first place. I am one of those picky umpires that likes to see the rule in writing before enforcing it.
As the old song says, "I can help":
From 2006 Rules Book, 2-22-1: "Obstruction is an act (intentional or unintentional, as well as physical or verbal) by a fielder...."
From 2005 Case Book, Situation 2.22.1: "R1 attempts to steal second. F2, upon receiving the pitch, throws a pop-up to F6. F5 yells "get back, get back." R1 thinks B2 has hit a pop-up and starts back to first where he is tagged out. RULING: This is verbal obstruction and R1 shall be awarded second base.
Let's think for a moment: You have to see the rule in writing, so ...
Suppose that very play happens in one of your games. What do you do?
Oh, don't worry that I didn't quote the 2006 Case Book. It's not out yet.