Thread: Double foul
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Old Fri Nov 18, 2005, 11:38am
jeffpea jeffpea is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 547
The real discussion that needs to take place regarding the initial thread topic is EGO. Regardless of experience level, officials who have a big EGO are the really a concern. The EGO says: "I'm always right", "I don't need to do anything to improve", "I don't care what new information you give me - my decision is final", etc.

A persons EGO is what stops them from becoming a better official (whether thats playoff assignments, moving to a higher level, or simply being the best official you can be). EGO shows itself in the way we think, behave, treat others, and present ourselves.

When RockyRoad says that he is more apt to listen to a younger partner only if approached a certain way, that's EGO. If CLAY wants to change a partners call by saying "that's not the correct call", that's EGO. Don't get me wrong, EGO can be a good thing. It's just that when EGO takes over and is not controlled or moderated, it will cause trouble in any game.

BTW - the first thing I say in my pre-game as the R is: "Guys, tonight our philosophy is 'get the call right'. It doesn't matter who/where/when - let's make sure we 'get the call right'".

Just my two cents worth...........
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