Originally posted by germump
Did I get it right?
The kick was touched by B beyound the neutral zone and recovered by A in B's end zone?
That would be a TD for Team A. [/B]
Note: The proper team designations for kick plays are K and R, not A and B.
No, germup, you're not paying attention. You got it wrong - at least for FED rules.
The kick was touched by R beyond the neutral zone, true. This would allow K to keep the ball if recovered in the field of play. But when the ball entered R's end zone, it had not yet been possessed by R, so it was still a kick by definition.
All non-scoring kicks become dead when the ball breaks the plane of R's goal line. Therefore the ball was dead before K could recover. It cannot ever be a TD, only a touchback. It also can never be a safety for the same reason. Force is not a factor on kicks entering R's end zone. So, regardless of who thinks they may have recovered the loose ball in the end zone, it is never anything but a touchback. No matter who touches it in the field of play, no matter how far it rolls or bounces, it is always a touchback.
Two things to remember:
A kick is still a kick until it is possessed or becomes dead by rule.
A non-scoring kick (other than an unsuccessful kick try) in R's end zone is
always a touchback. Force is not a factor.
[Edited by Middleman on Nov 3rd, 2001 at 07:53 AM]