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Old Mon Feb 07, 2000, 08:17pm
b_silliman b_silliman is offline
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 120

Excellent job in using common sense and preventive officiating, even though it did not work. You rose above the level of your inexperience!
Does this league not allow a team to continue with 4 players, as long as the team has a chance to win? Most levels of play do allow this.
Officials should never threaten while talking with coaches, because inevitably the coach will call your challenge. Also, never mention the word 'forfeit' as it is the ultimate penalty and only should be used as a last resort. Throw out the coach, throw out the assistant (as long as you have another available) or tell the assistant that he has lost all rights and must remain seated for the duration of the night--he will not know any different; but 'forfeit' only in the most extreme cases.

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