Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by NICK
If I was doing this game by Fiba rules, there is no team control, as the ball is dead.
The ball is dead while the free thrower is holding the ball? When does the ball become live during a FT, then? When it's released for goal? Just curious.
Well whaddya know? I just looked this up and I was wrong (but so was Nick

According to the rule book:
10.2 The ball becomes live when:
• During the jump ball, the ball is legally tapped by a jumper.
• During a free throw, the ball is at the disposal of the free-throw shooter.
• During a throw-in, the ball is at the disposal of a player for the throw-in.
So FIBA agrees with NFHS. In this sitch the free-throws would not cancel each other out.
[Edited by Oz Referee on Nov 7th, 2005 at 04:08 PM]