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Old Sun Nov 06, 2005, 04:57pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by malloy
A1 is at the free throw line with ball in hand for a 2 shot foul . A2 pushes B2 who both behind the free throw line extended while the ball is still in A1's hand. A2 is called for the foul which is a team control foul. How would you handle this situation or apply it? Thanks.

It's a false double foul. You clear the lane and allow A1 to shoot his FTs. THen you award the ball to Team B for a throw-in.

You handle it exactly like you would have last year with one exception: You don't allow B2 to shoot FTs if B is in the bonus.

Just think of it this way: Team B is not considered to be in the bonus if Team A has team control. Think of it in that respect and you'll have no problem.
Tony, I agree with your ruling. I just find it interesting that you now concur that there is team control while the FT shooter is holding or dribbling the ball prior to the release of the try. IIrc you weren't so sure of this a few months back.

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