I disagree with your #75. Team A scores and before the throw-in in complete by Team B,A-2 is charged with an intentional personal foul near the end line.Team B is not in the bonus. Official awards team B two free throws and rules team B's throw-in is now a designated spot throw-in. Is the official correct?
Case play 7.5.7 SITUATION D states if foul is intentional (or flagrant) on A near the end line.Two free throws(with the lane cleared).Team B will then have a designated spot throw-in on the end line.
It's a designated spot throw-in (at the spot closest to where the foul happened) because the foul that was committed was not a common foul
This was a rule change (well the committee said that it was an editorial change last season. Prior to that the team could run the end line.
Now we don't let them.
(Credit to prior post 23018 from ChuckElias ,mdray ,and Nevadaref.)