Manuals are guidelines. The pregame is the gospel.
My crew works together all season and the way we work it is:
1) R and U count 11 and signal to each other
2) LJ counts B
3) HL and LJ signal on or off for the last man on their side
4) U confirms five numbered 50-79
5) R counts four in backfield -- remember it has been confirmed there are 11, so, four in the backfield means there are 7 on the line.
The U should not be concerned with 7 on the line. R is the one with the illegal formation.
While this works for us it may not work for everybody. Each crew should discuss before every game the method and responsibilities used to count.
As an aside, one team in our area bragged about how many times he has run an offensive play with 12 men. I had that team last week and they did not even try because in scouting another team they saw us constantly counting. Remember, coaches scout us too!