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Old Sat Oct 29, 2005, 08:40pm
David B David B is offline
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Literal interpretations ...

Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue

1) If F5 says "Back" or even "Get Back" to a runner it is not obstruction unless the play is altered in some way. Why is that a puzzle to you? If the runner doesn't bite, we have nothing! Please take a Xanax and read the book again.

2) If the infield says "Bunt" and the batter doesn't do it, do you penalize them?

These two plays are not even on the same page. I assumed that you understood the game, but maybe I was wrong.

It is expected in certain situations the defense will anticipate a bunt and they might charge, (yelling "bunt bunt" as they do) or they might just have F5 move in etc.,

This does nothing to fool the offense or to gain an advantage.

Now, at second base F6 yelling back with freshman Joe on 2nd, he might gain a huge advantage. Thus FED saw the need to put in a rule to prevent that from happening.

Taking the rules literally can be a bad thing.
