Thread: foul count
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Old Fri Oct 26, 2001, 10:26am
Richard Ogg Richard Ogg is offline
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Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 252
I too have had many games where the foul count was far from even. In general I don't find that to be a problem. However, if the count gets to be something like 5-0, I will decide not to pass on a marginal foul commited by the team with none. That doesn't mean I'll ignore any fouls commited by the team that is fouling a lot, but on the next questionable or "grey" foul committed by the team with none I'll ring it up. It also doesn't mean I'm now calling the whole game differently, but I would like to see at least 1 foul on the board to replace that 0. My concern is not the comments, but game management comes into play if the disparency (even if justified) begins to influence the emotions of the players such that safety could become a problem. I'm still going to have to respond to a complaining coach about unequal fouls -- maybe this is a good time to start sharing those one-liners?!

"Yeah, and neither is the defensive play."
"I know -- but I only call what the players do."
"I know -- when are they going to start playing defense with their feet?"
"Is there a rule that says it should be even?"
"I can't help that coach -- I just call what happens."
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