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Old Tue Oct 25, 2005, 02:02pm
BretMan BretMan is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Columbus, Ohio
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With this past season "in the books"- I did my last game a week ago- I would say that I had about the usual amount of confusion on the rules that are usually confusing to coaches.

Foul Tips: Had three coaches swear this was a foul ball and that the runner stealing at the time should be sent back.

Hit Batters: Had one whose batter was hit while swinging at a pitch and swore she should be awarded first.

Batter's Box: Had a couple of complaints about batter's not being "in the box", when they were well within the defined- yet unmarked- limits.

Substitutions: Had one coach go near-ballistic because a starter re-entered a game and he "knew the rules" and just knew that wasn't allowed.

Base Awards: Several confused coaches regarding how many bases and from what point the bases were awarded.

Just the usual stuff we run across several times every year!

But the one "new" rule myth that was dropped on me this year really blew me away. I had one coach claim to me that if, on the third strike, the catcher's MITT made any contact with the ground on the catch, then it was considered an uncaught strike!

I had never heard that one before...and hope to never hear it again!

[Edited by BretMan on Oct 25th, 2005 at 03:04 PM]
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