I thought Josh Groban sang an excellent rendition of the National Anthem before the game. His tonal quality was beautiful. It was rich and full of feeling in my opinion, not the monotone garbage I'm used to hearing.
I'm surprised that none of you have commented on the woman who sang during the seventh inning stretch. What local bar did they pull her out of to sing for the entire country? For some reason, her singing reminded me of a flower child sitting at a camp fire almost too stoned to move, winging her way through it. She was the epitome of bad to me.
I'm hoping they'll get Lee Greenwood to appear during at least one of the games in the series to sing "God Bless the U.S.A."
It's a favorite in our household, and it has a tendency to bring a tear to more than one persons eye when he sings it.
[Edited by bigump56 on Oct 25th, 2005 at 01:07 PM]