Originally posted by fjmeeksjr
Three weeks ago, my crew had a situation that puzzled us. The attacking team (A) kicked a srimmage kick to the defending team which I will call team B. team B receiver was standing on his 30 yd line when the ball struck him in the shoulder and rolled towards the end zone. Team B player went for the ball which has rolled into the end zone. He attempted to run the ball out of the end zone but was tackled. I awarded the attacking team a safety after gathering information from my Umpire and Back Judge. Was I correct or incorrect on giving this score? On page FR100 and FR101 What I have read, I feel that I was correct with my decision.
Hey and welcome to the board. One piece of advice, if I may - you need to specify what rules you're playing under. Most use NF rules both there are also quite a few who use NCAA rules. There are a lot of rule differences, which makes it necessary to differentiate. Now to your play.
Under NF rules, this is a touchback. Any kick that enters R's EZ is a touchback, whether it's a scrimmage kick or a free kick.
I'm not an expert on NCAA rules, but the way that I read 8-7-2a, it would appear that this is also a touchback under NCAA rules. If I'm wrong, one of the NCAA guys will help out.