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Old Mon Oct 24, 2005, 11:18pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally posted by JJ
If the runner is goaded into sliding back into second when the fielder fakes taking a throw, by FED rules you will have Obstruction (Fake Tag). Other than that, it's a fire drill that is legal - I saw it twice this year with runners on second and third (in different games). In one instance the 3rd base coach recognized the play, and when the runner on third base started to take off for home the coach physically grabbed him. Yep, the umpires had an out AND an unhappy third base coach!
Under your definition, any spin move to 2b that results in the runner sliding back to 2b is illegal, since he was "goaded" to return by a fake tag and a fake throw.

So, if the pitcher steps off the rubber with a runner on 1b and fakes a throw to 1b, thereby "goading" the runner to slide back (or dive) is therefore also obstruction. I hope you will agree that this is rediculous, as is faking a throw to 2b to "goad" the runner to go back to 2b.

In general this play is not about faking a tag. It is about faking a wild throw from the pitcher. It works best when 2b and SS both dive headlong for the "wild throw", thus enducing the untrained runner to advance, not slide (or dive) back to 2b, and I have never seen this work without the "wild throw" sell by 2b and SS.

[Edited by DG on Oct 25th, 2005 at 12:27 AM]