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Old Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:22pm
Bob Mc Bob Mc is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 84
3.4.2-B covers the situation

The clock shall start with the rfp signal for other than a free kick if the clock was stopped
Because the ball has become dead following any foul provided
1. there has been no charged time out
2. the down is not the extension of a period or try
3. the action which caused the down to end did not also cause the clock to be stopped.

Start the clock on the rfp.

Even though we all say "repeat ___ down" when one reads 5.2 it is referred to as "the number of the next down is the same as that of the down during which the foul occurred..." what we are repeating is the down number not the down itself or any clock management that led up to the previous down.

[Edited by Bob Mc on Oct 22nd, 2005 at 01:30 PM]
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