Wed Oct 19, 2005, 07:18pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Edinburg, TX
Posts: 1,212
Originally posted by GarthB
Due to conflicts with facilities and a NASCR event, the Desert Classic has been canceled for this year.
It is for any umpire who wishes to improve. I have seen high school, college and even five week pro-school graduates in attendance.
When I went every attendee improved, even a former indie minor leaguer.
The Florida Classic is available in January.
The Desert Classic was a full week, (a couple of days longer than the Florida Classic) of hard work. in both the class room and on the field. Each day was a full day with no BS'ing taking time away from instruction. The instructors were all working pro umpires who knew how to teach as well as peform.
I have been to a Gerry Davis clinic, ABUA clinics and even a week-end camp with Doug Harvey years and years ago. Nothing compares to one of Jim Evans' Classics.
Jim is the chief instructor at a Fort Worth clinic the first weekend in November. Space is still available. Click this link for full details: